By Administrator 123erty

Name : Varun Mehta

Date 7/2/13
Time 12:30
The process was really smooth. Firstly we were called for photo identification group wise. Each group had 14 ppl. Then after verification of photo ID we were made to sign a declaration form. Then all of us were made to sit in a hall where we were guided in brief through the process by the seniors. Then we had an essay and the time limit was 15 mins. The topic “My Job V/S my passion”. No word limit. Was a fairly good topic to write on.
After that we were guided by the seniors for interview batch wise. We had two interviews viz. subjective and HR. Sub interview was taken by a male and a female. Being a fresher from I.T. dept. I was grilled on my projects and my final yr subjects. I had mentioned I love exploring new technologies in my essay so the male asked me abt new emerging technologies. Then some more Qs on syllabus like what is cloud? Explain router v/s switch etc. etc. Lasted for 10-15 mins. then headed 4 HR interview. Was good. HR person was really friendly and asked Qs abt my family, interest, hobbies etc.
Then we had a GD…14 ppl..was on a picture which contained books of various colors. Good GD. No fish market. Entered 6 times. Gave valid points. Then after GD all were made to speak r views in a line or 2.
Then GE2 was a case study. Raman sir took it. v were split into 2 grps of 7.. We were given a case.. told to discuss and then finally choose a team leader.. luckily I was chosen as d leader.. I had to choose d most & least performing teammate.. most difficult job(person whom I selected as least performing fought with me after GE stating he accepted me as leader so I shoudnt ve chosen him & some crap ).. Selected em on basis of parameters which I was able to explain sir so not an issue der. Then I had to summarize discussion and v were asked Qs.
Whole experience was awesome!! Thanks to the wonderful faculties and awesome seniors!! Everyone was really helpful.
ATB ppl .. All of u  gonna enjoy d process!!

SNAP ID: 2014377

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