FIRST GE-PI(GD-PI) of my life

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: February 28, 2013Categories: GE-PI Experiences1 Comment on FIRST GE-PI(GD-PI) of my life

Ohkay, so my dear readers, my experience began with a terrible train, called Jhelum Express, a 32 hour journey from New Delhi to Pune. As I reached Pune, we (me and my family) took a breath of relief and as the train halted, we uttered just one word- FINALLY!
No no, that doesn’t at all mean that I’m complaining, but poor me, this was the first time I traveled such a long distance that for the next 2 days I kept feeling the jerks and blackouts experienced during my journey.

With the help of seniors’ suggestions I had already booked a room for myself at the SIC campus. We took an auto from the Railway Station and reached Atur center, commonly known as, Om Supermarket by the AUTO walas. Not bad, I picked that up quite quickly. So, as we reached the Symbiosis Institute of Foreign Languages(Atur Center), we asked the guards about the buses and the schedule at which they were running, unfortunately, we missed a bus by 5 minutes, however, thank god we missed it because the next bus was an hour later and thus that gave us a chance to roam around the near-by market where we ate rolls and had one of the best cold coffees I’ve ever had in my life… I’m still craving for it!

Coming back on the track, we finally took the 8pm bus and reached SIC campus, where a senior, someone I know, helped us to HOSTEL C, that’s where we stayed. We freshened up and went to the nescafe, yes, dear readers, in the campus, had coffee with maggie and took a round of the campus. Two words struck me at first- Beautiful and Spacious.

It was a good morning on February 7, 2013, the day I had the first ever GE-PI process of my life. Now, begins the best part of my trip, I was there at the hall waiting for my group’s turn to be called out. Finally, it was called out. We were asked to sign and given out I-cards, I must say pretty intelligent way to carry out a smooth process, as keeping the I-cards put up by the candidates really eased things out for the coordinators/volunteers/seniors who were guiding us throughout. All the candidates/aspirants were then guided to a huge seminar hall where the seniors instructed us on the various rounds that’ll be conducted. And, while we weregoing towards that hall in a queue, each one of us was given a refreshment box and the best part was that the seniors knew we’re going to feel hungry in a bit as they annonced, please do not feel shy to open your refreshment box and eat. As soon as this was annonced most of the candidates opened up their boxes and began to eat while rest of them were still contemplating. So, the 6 LEVELS were:
1. Written Ability Test
2. Group Exercise-1 (Case Discussion)
3. Group Exercise-2 (Group Discussion)
4. Personal Interview-1 (Subjective)
5. Personal Interview-2 (HR)
6. Document Verification
Written Ability Test, topic My Job Vs. My Passion, we were given 10 minutes. I had so much to express that I felt the time was short. My job is same as one of my passions, that is, teaching and talking. Believe me, that’s true!

Group Exercise 1, a case discussion, where the topic was related to how far can you go for your morals and ethics, where just 1 candidate took a stand that we as it is do so many unethical things in life, if he would do this as 1 more, how would it make a difference. 1 canditate changed her stance and the rest stuck to it. Well, I volunteered to be the leader of my group and spoke on behalf of the group when asked initially.

Group Exercise 2, a group discussion, we were shown a picture, a hand with a glove, a stuff toy was moving away and gadgets like palmtops and smartphones were coming near the hand. Everyone had the same opinion about the new generation being more inclined towards gadgets than towards toys. Once the time was over, each one of us was given a chance to speak one last line, I spoke about economy.

Subjective Interview did not test me on anything but why MBA-ITBM, as I come from a different background of engineering and have nothing in common with IT as my work profile as well. I explained it to the two pretty ladies, my interviewers, but they had an opinion that I should rather go for a general MBA with IT as my specialisation and were trying to convince me on the same, to which I told them that I really value and respect your concern towards me as a candidate and I would write to you if I have any doubts regarding the same for the guidance from you but for now I’m sure that this is the place where I want to spend the next two years of my life.
One suggestion- if you are convinced with you career choice, you can convince others as well. The key is to be first sure yourself.

HR Interview was nice. Initially it seemed the gentleman wasn’t interested in listening to me but kept on speaking with a conviction in every answer that I spoke. He initially asked me to explain my not so smooth work experience, then asked me which newspaper do I usually read and 1 news article that I read recently. I’m a person who is thorough about her own self, so it went smoothly. Last question was- Is there anything we haven’t discussed and you’d like to talk about it. There wasn’t much but I was bubbling with the thoughts of my extra-curricular activities for the next two years, the credit for which goes to the videos that were being played in the auditorium where we were seated, so I shared my thoughts and talked to him about where I see myself at the college. Listening to which, the gentleman finally smiled and seemed interested in the conversation for the first time. All-in-all, it went great.

While I was waiting for the last part, the Document Verification, I got a call, it was the news that a friend of mine got placed. Things for the day couldn’t have been better. I was then called for the document verification, which was again a very smooth process.

And that’s it! The process got over but not the memories. The day went on and since I knew a senior there, she introduced me to her friends and took me to “tapri”, the evening hangout place for the students.

The seniors showed us around the campus, gave us a brief on the activities and much more. We explored the campus, ate at the mess, took a look at the gym and did so much more. In short, I experienced a day at the place where I’m going to be for the next two years.

I took back a few things – first and foremost my GE-PI experience, which will stay with me for life, the memory beauty of the campus and surroundings, and the memories of a more than pleasant experiences. Oh! How can I forget, and the Notepad and I-card issued to me for the process.

I would like to thank all the seniors who went through so much of pain to guide each and every one of us on pagalguy, over the telephonic conversations and e-mails and during the process to deliver a smooth experience for us. Also, I’d like to thank the senior I know and her friends who helped me throughout to make sure I was fine, not nervous and had a pleasant stay at the campus. THANK YOU. Things couldn’t have been better for me!

Deepakshi Vasudeva

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