By Administrator 123erty

Hello pals,

I am here to share my GE-PI experience scheduled on 11th of Feb,13. The very first difficulty I faced was to battle around the perplexing twists and turns of Pune to finally reach the GE-PI centre. There were enough volunteers cum seniors to guide us through the entire session beginning with Initial registration and so fore. After forming batches of 8-10 out of the registered candidates, we were all dispersed to the waiting hall. In all, the candidates were to go through 5 different sessions viz. Written Communication test, Group Exercise 1, Group Exercise 2, Subjective Interview and HR Interview.

Starting with Written Communication Test , the topic given was “Social privacy ” on which we had to elaborate as much as possible for 15 minutes. Ahead of this, some batches were sent for GEs and the remaining to subjective and HR interviews and also for document verification. In  first GE, we were mentored by the Director Sir, one faculty and an alumni of SCIT. They introduced themselves after which we were shown an allegory wherein two seemingly hardworking, innocent and honest employee were depicted, carrying the burden, metaphorically a Boss sitting on a chair with a servile employee standing on his lap. Henceforth, given 2 minutes to think and jot down some points on it, the Group Discussion started with every candidate expressing their unique perceptions  about the allegory and some of us even presenting few illustrations to explain the analogy with the depiction. At last, the mentors asked us to give a Punch line for the situation.

The second Group exercise actually turned out to be a case study. The Case Study was : “I am an employee of the firm which is co-owned by my brother-in-law. Accidently, some confidential data of the company just got known to me. Adding more to the woes, the fact that this confidential data got leaked to some external customers/clients, also broke up in the company. How will you handle this scenario and what all possible solutions can you come up with.”. All the candidates were divided into two equals with each group deciding a team representative of itself. All the candidates were provided a separate slip with a common situation to study. Each group  were to discuss on the case study for about 5 minutes after which the mentors first asked the respective team leaders to describe the possible solutions that we have come up with and then each member were individually asked to express his/her contribution to the solution. After this, the mentors also put an ultimate condition that if you you come to know that my brother-in-law himself is guilty of this, what action would you suggest?  With this, our GE2 ended with the mentors, one of whom being a senior faculty, frankly praised us with their best wishes.

The next session i.e. a Subjective interview was taken by  two panelists; a lady panelist who, according to the volunteers, is a faculty in Network infrastructure management and a male panelist, blended with years of work experience in IT and currently a faculty of SCIT. They first asked me to elaborate more on my family and college background. After knowing of me as a student from Computer Science stream, they started asking about my previous subjects starting with Compilers. I was going bit vague on that topic so I tried to veer their attention to my favorite subject i.e. DBMS. But to my bad, I wasn’t asked any questions from that, instead, they told me to explain my Major project in final year. I did try my best to convince them but I was dragged more into the intricacy and alternatives to which the discussion just gained even more heat by embroiling both me and the panelists to stick to their viewpoints. Likewise, the interview ended with not so happy closure but still expect them to throw some ray of hope on me since I did  and express all that I had in me and I too want them to adjudge my caliber to their best  and that I could bet they won’t regret having me as a part of SCIT.

The entire session ended with a happiest note for me after I met a retired Colonel who took my HR interview. He was one of the friendliest interviewer I’ve ever come across in my life. Initially while going through some friendly interaction with the volunteers, I was told that my HR interviewer was none other than a retired Kernel. To this, I initially felt bit jittered but later realized that nothing would be adventurous than meeting a Military Man. After I greeted the HR panelist, I felt among the luckiest people to have a rendezvous with such a charismatic personality of our society. His friendliness radiated through his demeanour. He first asked me if I was relaxed, how’s the entire day and my whereabouts in pune and so fore. Then he discreatly asked few questions about my hobbies, family and educational background. Later on, he asked me to brief up every session that I went through before and how I contributed into it. Then he presented a hypothetical case before me wherein,later on in my life, if I become a business analyst or any such employee who is heading a team of other low profile employee and unfortunately if there exist some discontentment between my team due to some employees, then , being responsible to get the work done on time from your team , how would I handle the situation or how would I sway off the root cause of discontentment among the team ? On this, we had a long discussion , although he was trying his bit to distract me from the optimal and desirable solution to those problem which is a normal tactic that every HR does to finally make sure whether you work according to your good conscience or just get flattered by what your mentor wants you to commit or say. Finally I was satisfied with the manner I convinced him and I hope I might have left a positive impact on him and all other panelists. Though after leaving the premises, I felt on the crest of a wave, but still keeping my fingers crossed and optimistically waiting for a positive outcome.

Thank you.

SNAP ID : 2018166

NAME : Vipul Kumbhare

BATCH: 11th Feb, 13

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