Experience worth sharing ^_^

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: February 13, 2013Categories: GE-PI Experiences0 Comments on Experience worth sharing ^_^

Hey everyone , I would love to share my GE-pi experience at SCIT.

Well to begin with I am ridhi bhan (snap -id 2004735)  had my ge-pi on 9th Feb ,Saturday . I reached the campus around 7.30 a.m. , entered the campus and I do not know why but was filled with a positive energy instantly . I had to wait in the hall before the whole process began. The volunteers started calling the candidates according to their GE-PI number assigned to them , mine was the last group . All of us were guided to a classroom where the seniors addressed us with a formal introduction of the institute and those videos were truly awesome , even if someone who would have been with a little hope ,must had felt all energized ,happy and excited. I was just having a single thought during the whole time “I am going to be a part of this ,and next time i would be on the other side of the fence ” 🙂

Then finally the process began , we were given topic “technology that inspires you” to write in a specific time limit , after which my group had to go for document verification which took about 10 mins and i was taken for interview. I had subjective interview first and hr later. In subjective interview i had all my questions related to my job and what work i am doing there. It went okay. Then came the hr interview ,everyone was saying “he is strict” “he is going to grill you a lot”. I was damn scared . As i entered the room , the person greeted me with a firm handshake and he had an awesome aura of his own which made me feel much comfortable. He asked me why i want to do mba? why only smybiosis?And general stuff. Had a great time talking to him ,and it went well 🙂

Then came the GD session pictorial one where my perception of the picture was totally different from the rest slot and it made me feel maybe be its me who have analyzed it wrongly. But i guess everyone is not same and being different is what makes you stand out so i stood by my view and did not change it , because everyone else was just following what another girl has begun with. As it ended we immediately went for case study discussion and it was brief and short and took just 20-25 minutes.

So “All was Well” 🙂

All in all had a really smooth and nice ge-pi experience, nervousness was there but the SCIT environment  made it go away !To end with would like to thank to everyone who made this a smooth and a joy ride 🙂

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