SCIT GE-PI Experience on 9 Feb,2013

By Administrator 123erty

On 9 Feb, 2013, it was my first GE PI experience @SCIT. I reached @SCIT at 8:05 AM with a little bit strained flavors. As I entered in SCIT campus, a poster of event “Graffiti” pulled my attention.

I noticed that process has begun at sharp 8:00 O’clock. Volunteers were calling for registration process by group wise. I asked to volunteer if group ‘A5’ has been called. She replied it is going for ‘A1’ you have some time to get call.

Now it was the call for ‘A5’. We went for our registration process where we were given SCIT Id Card and a declaration form. Here we were asked to fill and submit the Declaration Form and pin the ID Card. The SCIT Id card given to us was letting me allow to feel like companion of SCIT. I pinned it and completed the Declaration Form.

After some time we were asked to move towards Assembly Hall. In mid way of that we submitted our Declaration Form and we were given a packet of Snacks that proved to be very postulated…J

Now we entered into Assembly Room. In Assembly Room chairs were arranged group wise and we were asked to sit on chair acc to GE PI No. As I got seated I noticed a slide showing the instruction to be followed. I read it and waiting for the process to begun.

Now it was all set and first activity of the process i.e. “Written Communication” started. Our topic was “The Technology which empowers me”. We were given 15 minutes for this. I went well. After that we were told that different group will go for different activity. Group ‘A5’ was allocated for HR and Subjective Interview. Now it was time for me to go for HR interview. The Volunteers showed me the way and wished me Best Luck. After that I entered into the cabin and wished the wishes of morning. The Interviewer was very friendly. He asked me about my Family background, Hobbies and gave some conditions acc to which I was to answer. I sung a song also. It lasts for 15-20 minutes. Now it was time for Subjective Interview. In my subjective Interview I was asked about my work Experience and projects I am working on. Some questions on Software Engineering and all. I was completed both interviews by 10 AM. Now I was again in Assembly room waiting for Group Exercises.In between I was completed with Document Verification.After some time it was a call for Group Exercise-1 i.e. GD based on a picture shown in a slide. It lasted for 20 minutes. Now we moved for last but not the least activity i.e. a Case Study name as a Group Exercise 2. It was case Study in which a situation was given to us. We were to analyze that and provide a proper solution. A Team leader was also to be selected from group to lead your group. It also continued for 20 minutes and all the activities got completed at 12:00 noon only.

Thus the process of GE PI at SCIT was very well managed and supervised. At the last we went for SCIT campus tour. Volunteers were very helpful and I had a great experience of my first GE PI at SCIT.
Thanks to SCIT,

Neha: 2030865

An MBA Aspirant @ SCIT

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