Many things to share!

By Administrator 123erty

Dear All

I just realized that it is 17th Feb 2013, and I have not blogged yet! There is so much to post and let me do it now!.

MBA( ITBM) Admissions 2013:

February  has been a real hectic month which started with the GE/PI process. I must appreciate all the 100 + volunteers from the first year who volunteered in helping us during the GE/PI process. The appreciations have been pouring in, and the same can be viewed at scit’s blog and other public forums. I must also appreciate SCIT’s Web& Media committee who came up with innovative idea of encouraging participants to post their experience on SCIT’s blog! The admission team (comprising a team of 10+ students ) did an awesome job by answering queries posted by students ! The Merit List & First Waiting List will be declared on Feb 28, 2013. I am sure many who are aspiring to get into SCIT will be keen to know about the placements scenario -hence we have decided to update SCIT’s website with the details on the companies that visited our campus for placements for offering lucrative jobs to the students who will pass out by April 2013! This will be done on 28th Feb 2013.

Graffiti 2013 – A grand Success :

How will I forget to write on Graffiti 2013! The main coordinators and all the jubilant committee members did an excellent job by setting new records. Be it the number of sponsors or the number of participating teams or the website of graffiti or the App that was developed for registrations or the events, everything was “Classic”. I must appreciate the creative team for sure – “You guys rock!” The best creativity displayed -right from invitation printing to creative’s prepared for decorating the college – it was “Class Apart”. To the best of my knowledge, the mural that was painted by our first year SCIT student –Ms. Riddhi Shah was the best ever mural created at SIC campus, the number of shares and likes on face book is a proof for it!


SCIT Awards & Accolades:

On 16th February 2013 SCIT was awarded with National Education Leadership Award for ” The B-School with Industry related Curriculum in Information Technology” by ETNOW. On 17th February 2013 SCIT was awarded the “B-School which innovates in Teaching Methodology” is by DNA & Stars of the Industry Group.


SCIT student achievements in Sports:

I was very glad when Mr.Aditya (the first year MBA student of SCIT ) met me to share his achievements in sports. He won the Bronze medal in 100m running and a Silver medal in the 200m running at the National level sports tournament at IIT-Kanpur. I was overwhelmed when he informed that he also won a gold medal in the long jump event, a Silver medal in the 100m sprint and also a silver medal in Shot Put at the State level sports tournament at College of Engineering Pune

It was a proud moment when I knew that SCIT’s cricket team emerged as winners in SICSR UNIFY 2013 Cricket tournament. This was a maiden title in cricket !  Thank you Anupam Prasad ,Sourav Roy Choudhury , Malav Mankad , Sandipan Pal, Sahil Khurana, Aamir Arafat, Manuj, Vikas Dwivedi (I could recollect only these names ) – you made SCIT proud! Keep up the team work!!

SCIT–Innovation Gurus!

Rajandeep Singh Kang and team is going great guns with their b-plan which focuses on promoting sustainable transport and raising socio-economic status of rickshaw pullers!

The team is currently in the final 4 of Mahindra Spark The Rise and the finals will be on 19th & 20th February 2013 .Mahindra Spark the Rise works as an online platform for change-makers across India to connect with one another, collaborate and exchange ideas, procure volunteers and donors, and to compete for monthly grants from the organization. This year’s campaign saw social entrepreneurs from all over India share their insight for reinventing the ‘India’ inside India. There are multiple rounds via which projects and Ideas are chosen and then brought to life. I am really glad that SCIT’s team is in the final 4 of Mahindra Spark The Rise.

Rajandeep Singh Kang and team is also in the Asia-Africa region finalist in Indian School of Business Global Social Venture Competition and the finals is scheduled on 8th -9th and 10th  of March 2013. The same team is also in the semifinals of TATA-IIM,C B-plan competition. I am sure that with the innovation in mind, passion in their heart , fire in thier belly they will be able to win these events and make SCIT proud.

Singing off for now


Dr Raman

Director- SCIT

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