What goes around, comes right back!

By Administrator 123erty

Four springs ago, I stepped in SCIT premises for the very first time, full of apprehensions and fear of all things unknown. That was my GE/PI day and like any other candidate, I was a total nervous wreck. I still remember Nirmal Singh and Anu Gupta (2008-10) trying their best to calm me down and help me with the process. I remember feeling at ease after the process, even taking a stroll around the campus and promising myself if I got in, I would spend the next two years here. Well, what a promise it has been!

I have spent the next four years in SCIT, making it as much a part of my living as inseparable a part I became of it. To say that I have spent the time of my life in Symbiosis Infotech Campus with all those unforgivable souls, will be the understatement of the year. SCIT became home, SCITians became family and as my friend Swatantra reminds the entire clan every time he can, ‘SCIT was life, rest are mere details’.

Therefore it was a very pleasant feeling when I was asked if I could be on SCIT’s admissions panel for 2013. From waltzing around the SIC campus, I would now have to help pick the next batch of lucky few candidates who would go on to carry SCIT’s enviable legacy. The though was euphoric, settling down to humbling and climaxing to terrifying. With power and honor like this, comes unprecedented responsibility. To be the maker of people’s destinies, to be the mason laying the next few bricks in the SCIT wall and most importantly, to pick the pioneers of SCIT’s future, felt Herculean. And it was that, every bit.

I thank the management and administration, for their faith in my abilities, having entrusted such an honor on me. It is humbling and that is not a trait I often associate with myself. Bouquets for all the volunteers and staff who toiled round the clock for everything to go smoothly. We often tend to ignore the acts behind the scene which require more effort than the actual show. I have tried to choose the best possible flag-bearers of SCIT and sincerely hope that all those who join the institution this June, achieve unprecedented success and bring unparalleled accolades and glory to the college. Who knows, in four years from now, I could well be sitting with one of them to find the next set of students joining SCIT. Now, wouldn’t that be something?

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