
  • After Independence Cup, Now it’s Champions League!!

    With such an exciting Independence Cup coming to an end, the sports lovers shall not [...]

    Published On: August 19, 2015
  • Noise Pollution

    Try this: Sit in your comfortable work space with nice background music or coffee, and [...]

    Published On: January 14, 2015
  • Criticisms on Education Systems in India

    (This blog was co-created by senior students Tarang Raote, Swati Ahuja and Prof. Saravan) India [...]

    Published On: January 14, 2015
  • A tryst with nature and me (MRA Experience)

    Twelve subjects.  About seven projects. Seven different project groups. Tight schedules .Even tighter deadlines. I [...]

    Published On: December 19, 2014
  • Where are we heading?

    I was sipping into my daily morning hot coffee and grabbed the newspaper from my [...]

    Published On: October 8, 2014
  • Why do we need PCI DSS compliance?

    The transition of money from paper to plastic has made our life much easier; however, [...]

    Published On: September 30, 2014
  • SCIT – A Dazzling step to future

    Direct from the heart – Dil se( purely dilliwala). Arrived on 3rd , landed in [...]

    Published On: June 16, 2014

    I always wondered what would it be like to get a Bachelor-ate when I was [...]

    Published On: June 16, 2014
  • Journey Begins: My First Day At SCIT

    Journey Begins: MY FIRST DAY AT SCIT 3 rd June 2014, a day I keenly [...]

    Published On: June 16, 2014
  • My First Day At SCIT

    The first day of any new journey that we ride upon is very special,and so [...]

    Published On: June 16, 2014

    “SCIT”-The name that kept ticking in my mind since the PI-WAT day. Dreams, ambitions, expectations, [...]

    Published On: June 15, 2014
  • A wonderful “ESTER TAG” @ SCIT

    The smell of my home made food, the pampering of my loved ones and loads [...]

    Published On: June 15, 2014