Guest Lecture on Business Analytics and Agile Framework

By Administrator 123erty

SCIT had the privilege to host one of the global leaders in cloud infrastructure – VMware for the guest lecture session on 18th July 2018. The topic covered was “Business Analytics and Agile Framework”. Mr. Karthik Venkatraman addressed the gathering to provide his insights on the various strategies that the company had to come up with in order to develop a Knowledge Management solution. Ms. Roopa spoke about the growth of the company over the years and the successes that it has to its credit.

Mr. Karthik started the session by sharing his experience on booking an Uber cab instead of an Ola as the service was faster with respect to the former one. He explained that there exists a stiff competition in the market and that it is necessary to provide the best of services in order to retain customers in the business. He then drove the session towards a case study that highlighted the failures that VMware had to go through in order to establish a Knowledge Management repository. He spoke about how it was essential to keep the end user in mind during every step of the process so that the task does not take a different route than what it was intended to do in the first place.

He explained how his experience in Lean methodology had helped his team to cope with the various challenges thrown in front of them when their initial blueprint failed to achieve what was important. He also spoke about how his team had come up with a strategy to adopt functionalities that invested in core technology in order to drive thoughtful and pragmatic decisions. The team had come up with both a business and technical blueprint in order to build an approach and deliver the same. He threw light on how Knowledge Management is a key to successfully build a relation with the customer and how investing in the same is essential to bridge the gap between the customers and the support system.

The last part of the session threw light on what Agile and Scrum methodologies meant and how they were different from each other contrary to the general perception that these two meant the same. The session was closed with the quote – “Don’t do agile. Be agile” to highlight the importance of being updated with the various trends in the industry.

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