Leveraging Program Management skill

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: April 20, 2021Categories: Default0 Comments on Leveraging Program Management skill

To keep the spirits high amidst the unprecedented time another GL was conducted on April 18th. To address the students Mr. Abhay Maheshwari was invited to shed some light upon what product management is and how one strategically directs one’s career with some hauling and tactical steps. Mr. Maheshwari is a ME from Manipal University and started working at Honda motors and soon moved to ZS associates as a consultant. He worked as operational and analytical personnel. He is a public speaker and a toastmaster.
He started the session by advising the students how important it is to have brand value in oneself and weaved a tale of his own journey. He stressed the importance of the corporate trajectory which is changeable depending on the flexibility. He explained the difference between program management, project management, and product management in different organizations and as a whole. The major differences come in the technicality of a project. He expounded on the different stages of project management like using agile methodology in the best manner, some socio-economic parameters, etc., and what to be done to achieve and better those necessary skills. The program manager contacts directly with the C-suites. For product managers, they deal with technical aspects of the project. He explained by giving apt examples to elucidate the concept of their duties and responsibilities.
He further elucidated the skill which one requires like good communication and ownership, a fair share of knowledge, get a certification, set the right mindset in the proper direction, paving way for oneself without being micromanaged so on and so forth to make a mark in the realm of program management. He urged students to hustle and cash the opportunities for the not so aforementioned standard trajectory of growth.
Mr. Maheshwari recommended real-life scenarios to mould one’s career and to channelize in the direction by imbibing from the subtleties around like books, movies, podcasts and later translating fiction and fantasies into reality though one would be a small cog in a large machine with the right attitude and management, one could achieve it faster than most.
As a parting note, he asked the students to gen up about how one can hone different skills to have holistic growth which must include activities apart from work. At the end of the session, he patiently addressed the questions which were raised by the budding managers.

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