GE/PI Experience on day 2 at 12:30 slot

By Administrator 123erty

SNAP ID: 2044637


DATE : 8TH FEB. 2013

TIME : 12:30 PM

GE/PI Group : 8th

Hi All,

Reached at SCIT too early around 9AM for my GE/PI.  Excited for  college. Must say Veryyy good Campus … too much time left before the process start so, use time to roam around the campus and contact with the seniors. Process start Exactly at 12:30, with the Photo Identity Proof, followed with the declaration form for cutt-off declaration.You have to submit the form there itself. Then all of us were made to sit in a hall where we were guided in brief through the process by the seniors and given the food packets  and also shown the video about life in SCIT.

Process starts with Essay writing. We were given a topic “CROWD SOURCING – THE BOOMING THING” followed by 15 min. time to think and write. Then, we had “DOCUMENT VERIFICATION” all academic  and work ex.  related original documents checked.

Parallel  some  people  sent for Interview. Me too picked for  “SUBJECTIVE INTERVIEW ” . One of the senior escorted me  to the Interviewer’s cabin. Two panelist both ladies. After GA wish   asked me about my work experience and work Profile. why I Choose IT Industry for job and now Why MBA in IT, as I have  done B.E in Electronics. After Explanation asked about Latest Trends in IT.  followed by the question what is  Cloud Computing? what are the latest technology in networking field?. Which specialization I will choose  for MBA in  SCIT ? followed by the  question Why?. Then,  Question on any BCP/DR activity carried by yourself ?? what was the problem and how did you tackle the situation? this was last question for Subjective Interview it lasted nearly in 15 min. Then, next thing is “HR INTERVIEW “  You are given  Your SCIT Application Form to verify the data and then you are sent in for the interview. Here  One Panelist  Older Person, Start with Worm welcome and GA wish. Ask me Why MBA? and then some counter question from my ans. Work Profile?  asked  some condition based question on work culture .. then, Tell me about yourself ?? question then, Strength and Weakness ? followed by some counter questions  .. Then, Hobbies??  Swimming, Trekking, Reading and Football was my ans. Some question from each hobby. Reading took quite long time as, we discussed on few books. It completed in around 20-25 min.

Then,  come back to hall and wait  15 min. for GE/GD round. Here you have to submit the Work Exp. and Extra curriculum certificate for verification. First “GE 1”  16 people in one group(we were 14 , 2 abs.).  Panel had a Professor, Guest Lecturer mam, and two alumni-es. It was Picture based GD 1min. to think and  15 min. given for the discussion followed by the summarization  chance to each one. ‘Picture shown has a Lady sat in office on her desk surrounded by loads of paper  including in her dustbin’. So, much different Points came in and need of dematerialisation discussed. completed in 15 min. Finally, “GE 2” Last one of the process for a day to us. Here Dr. Raman Sir himself was in  Panel with one guest lecturer mam,one alumni and registrar sir.One Case Study  given: ‘You are  Head of  H.R. Due to some technical glitches Salary database is get publicly shown and all the employees has been revealed the salary of sub ordinates /and colleagues . Because of  this,  some of  the employees gets upset. as H.R head what is your Course Of Action’. we were given time to discuss and had been told to come up with leader. then,Dr. Raman sir called up and ask the Course Of Action and why we chosen the Particular Person as a leader. after explaining the Course of Action we were given the Condition and Have to ans it Yes or NO, With some reason.  This Question was asked randomly why He/She given ans. Yes/ NO…  Ends with  ATB from all Panelist and  we were requested to GO… Finally Completed all the Process Smoothly and that is also, in hardly 5 Hrs. Thanks to all the Seniors for there Help to make Process more easy and smooth. Really Appreciate the way all process Managed …

Thanks and ATB!!!

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