A new chapter

By Administrator 123erty

My First Day @ SCIT

Recall the first time you started paddling the bicycle with the fear of falling down every moment and you always trying to avoid how to ride whenever your dad wanted you to learn. With the same feeling I guess, I stepped into my journey at Symbiosis Center for Information Technology, one of the oldest colleges under the brand name of Symbiosis University.

When you go to a new place, suddenly the observer in yourself wakes up. I reached the campus in the morning at around 9 am. I entered the building and registered myself. I had a bunch of certificates and photocopies in my hand and was dragging a huge luggage at the back. Luckily, I just had to present a photograph. The campus was huge. There are three institutes located in the same campus which provides a good exposure and more the people, more you get to learn from them.

Soon I was on my way to registering to the hostel which is around 500 meter away which I believe is almost more than 1 km due to the sweaty weather and the lazy me. Anyway, some time later I was knocking at my door. I had already known that one of my room mate has already arrived. A very huge man opened the door. I greeted him and his dad who accompanied him. I checked the room. It was unbelievably large and the clean bathrooms in each room were a real surprise. I had my own table and shelf. I was already dreaming that I would be sleeping all day and keep on surfing internet which the hostel provided and would never leave the room. Well, not sooner did I realize that almost every sort of entertainment was banned.

Then, after formal greetings again with my new roommate, I went back to college for lunch. Yeah there is common dining room for all. Girls and Boys together. Well I filled the plate and while I was in queue, I was followed by a beautiful lady. I was already dreaming that I have Ananya next to me. Well I was not that fortunate. She just took the food and went away to grab a seat somewhere. I somehow managed to grab a seat from where I can get a good view of some girls and possibly the one who was standing next to me. Food was simple and tasted fine. I was happy to finally get food which I could eat unlike the one I used to have at my last job.

It was already late for the induction program the director of SCIT had arranged. I quickly finished my dinner and went straight away to the auditorium. This was the first time I could look at all the people I would be passing my next two years with. It seemed a mixed bag. All the men wore a formal white shirt and a black trouser while the girls had the liberty to look beautiful in their own way. Soon, the guest arrived which included the principal Director of the Symbiosis university, the the Vice Chancellor of SIU and one of the reputed SCIT alumni. After the formal introduction, the induction program started with the lightning of the lamp and a formal prayer.

First person to address the audience was our own director. A guy in a black blazer looked smart and was very interactive. ” Can anyone tell here where he/she would be exactly after 10 years from now?” Silence. ” Everyone sitting right in front of me has only one question whether he/she would get into a good company after the completion of two years. SCIT has a very strong alumni which indicates the best placements, but what I want from you is to utilize all the facilities and exposure we provide to shape your attitude for the professional world. We don’t guarantee you a job, but we guarantee you the attitude you require to get a good job.” This made the whole auditorium go mad and applauding could be heard up to the gates. Director taught many other lessons through his very simple stories and in half an hour, almost everyone became his fan. Followed by him, the other guests gave their speeches and encouraged us to move forward and shape our life in an extra- ordinary way. After 2 hours of inspiring and energetic speeches, the program came to an end with the national anthem.

I left for the hostel with my other colleagues I interrogated in the auditorium. Most of them had a work experience of more than two years, while some were still freshers. Some belonged to the southern part of India, some came from the sweet Punjab while some came from eastern India. In short, the class was like a small India itself for everyone to meet every kind of people they might interact in future in India. Some time later, I was playing cricket with the new friends like a kid and trying to showcase the Sachin inside me which never used to come out. It was a lot of cricket after a very long period. Dinner added the cream to my first day. With a short prayer and reliving all the fun I had the whole day, I slept with relief.

First day is not always enough to explain the life at SCIT. The days then after were only wonderful, though busy.

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