Onashamsakal SCIT……HAPPY ONAM……

By Administrator 123erty

Before coming to SCIT I never realized that festivals had a deeper meaning which goes beyond colours and celebrations.Its a medium of sharing happiness ,laughter and fun with your friends. These festivals comes with an opportunity to learn about the different cultures and diversities.I want to thank the students from kerela and the whole onam celebration committee from all the three colleges to come up with such a great onam festival celebration.Their efforts were beyond words.The guys and girls gathered in the atrium since morning 5 a.m and showed their skills in onam pookalam which was a traditional flower decoration event .The arrangement of different flowers really looked amazing .The 3 colleges showcased their  talent in pookalam competition.Even though scit stood last with Scmhrd and siib coming first and second respectively  ,their efforts were really appreciated by faculties and staff .The traditional dress worn by all the students made them look really fabulous with girls wearing their traditional saree and guys in dhotis and shirt.

The highlight of the festival was onam sadhya which was the traditional meal.The atmosphere was awesome as people were standing in the queue for the delicious meal.It was good to see Raman sir along with all the faculty members enjoying the meal.People really loved payasam which was one of the awesome delicacies in the menu.

The evening was celebrated with all the 3 colleges coming together and organizing a beautiful cultural event onam sandhya where girls performed their traditional dance Thiruvathira Kali.It Was nice to see Anish and George singing malyalam song.Looking at the spirit with which we SCITians  celebrate our culture and festival,the only thing to ask is “WATS NEXT”.

Vineet Chandra

SCIT MBA-ITBM (2012-2014)


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