My First day at SCIT

By Administrator 123erty

It was morning 8’o clock when I reached at my city of dreams which was pune where our renowned institute Symbiosis is situated. Reached  hostel and took  rest  for a while as and when I woke up. I was in search of my bournvita…..I  was  finding  my mother  here and there but no one was here?? I felt it would be very tough for me to be here but was not having any other option. Started to be ready for the first introductory lecture was having feeling of nervousness kind of excitement and was still in search of bournvita but then the journey begins…..

A very first day of my life moved out of hostel and was loitering in the campus what a campus it is. I was walking in a dream a much awaited day of my life and a much awaited a step which I wanted to climb I settled in our auditorium. Where our introductory lecture was being going to be conducted a place which was looking like an opera house of Australia.

A video which narrate the establishment of symbiosis university was played from this video I came to know that what makes him to establish this university. We all know that Prof. Shantaram Balwant Mujumdar started this university. But from this video I came to know that what makes him to establish this university. I just got amazed after watching it. And I realized that, some small events happens in our life can take us anywhere and then after our Sachin Tendulkar came he’s none other than Director Dr. Ramkrishnan Raman. His speech was more about us – the students, and clearly it was tailored for us.  All of us sat up straight and listened intently to what Dr Raman had to say simply because he seemed to be reading our minds and decoding our wavering emotions. In very basic and simple terms he made us realize that commitment should be the core and expectation should be the periphery and the expected result would eventually happen. His speech inspires us to remember the purpose for our stay at SCIT which is to bring and showcase our talent in academics and other activities at the college. What a speech he gave……every single word of his speech was inspiring to us.

Then our Vice-Chancellor Dr. Rajani Gupte came on the stage. Those 5 minutes were awesome. The Director of Symbiosis International University, Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar came on the stage and started her speech. What’s an amazing speech it was! The example of her father she gave made me feel better and better. All the jitters were removing turn by turn. People were coming one after another, and were keeping us motivated. But this was not an end. The chief guest Mr.Abhilash Verma , Director of Product Management at Citrix Systems and ex-symbian , came and started his speech. His speech was very impressive. I was hearing the live example of Symbian…. This was the day on which I inspired the most. Now I can say that I have chosen the right institute for my better future. I’m feeling blessed to be a Symbian 🙂

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