My First Day At SCIT…!!!!

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: June 14, 2014Categories: Student's Blog1 Comment on My First Day At SCIT…!!!!Tags: ,

Getting admission at SCIT was like a dream come true. Since my engineering days I wanted to do an MBA but did not want to divert from my basic knowledge of IT and SCIT is the platform which helped me realize my desire. The campus was not new to me as I had given my WAT-PI here itself. But entering here as a student on the first day was a totally different experience altogether. I came across many students just like me. I introduced myself and spoke to them. I was really very amazed to come across students from all over India. Initially I felt how will I adjust with everybody but after talking with them I found that they were very jolly and friendly.

Then came the most awaited part the induction. At the induction I got to know our Director Dr. R Raman. And I was extremely impressed by his personality and loved the way in which he tried to make us ready for the new journey which we were about to embark on. Also on the stage were the Vice Chancellor of SIU and principal Director of Symbiosis Society Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar who also inspired us by their words of wisdom. Also there was an aluminus from our college who made us all comfortable by telling he was at the same place some years back and had the same nervousness and excitement which we had today and also he shared his experiences and told us to utilize these two years in a very useful manner. Then we were told to disperse. Then came the hostel. As I had reached in the morning only I directly attended Induction and had not been to the hostel so I was very excited as well as nervous to see who my room-mates were and how were they. Also how the hostel was.

Then finally I met my room-mates and I felt a sigh of relief after meeting both of them because they were very sweet and friendly. The hostel rooms are really comfortable. Even though they’re on a 3-in-a-room basis, we are being provided with 3 study tables, 3 chairs, and 3 beds, and guess what – we still have ample space left. The day went off great but was mainly spent setting stuff up in my room. Then I visited the entire campus and was really impressed by the gym and the swimming pool because now I would also be able to focus on my fitness if time permits after all the tiring lectures and I hope that it happens. Then I had my dinner which was not that bad as I had heard about mess food so I was happy. Finally at the end of the day though I missed my parents I was really comforted with the fact that I had entered a place which will make me feel like home for the rest of the two years and will help me realize all my dreams ..!!

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