My First day at SCIT

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: June 14, 2014Categories: Student's Blog3 Comments on My First day at SCITTags: , ,

20140610_162209A new phase of my life began on June 4, 2014.

With the weight of expectations from my parents, sorrow of leaving home for the first time, excitement of meeting new people and fear of the NEW to come I entered SYMBIOSIS.

When I had come for my interview at SYMBIOSIS CENTRE FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, there was a gut feeling somewhere inside me indicating that ‘You have to come here’.

When I entered the campus main gate, I recollected the same feeling.

After reporting at the help desk for registration, I received my ID card. Though it was temporary, I felt good to hold it.

Soon, I came to my “SECOND HOME” that was the D’ hostel as they call it. Interestingly, my room number the US state emergency number!!!

Whenever, I used to talk people about their hostels, they told me stories, and now it was time for me to make my own stories. I feared that how my new hostel room would be, but when I opened my room I just loved it. It was so huge. And the USP was that King sized window. I also met a few of my batch mates at the hostel.

Next, I went to the campus for having a look at all the facilities which were there for us to use. One of the most exciting things at the campus was the indoor swimming pool.

After that, I went to the in campus cafe with my friends to have a cup of coffee. I was overwhelmed after looking at the options for sporting facilities available and I am looking forward to use them soon.

Next, I saw the SYMBIOSIS INFOTECH CAMPUS Auditorium as I went there for attending my ‘Induction Programme’. When, I entered the auditorium I saw many of my batch mates sitting there. I sat among my friends. Soon we were addressed by Dr. R Raman. In his very inspirational speech he taught us some morals by the means of his creative graphics and stories. Followed by him we were addressed by Dr. Yeravedkar and Dr. Gupte.

Then we were addressed by our chief guest Mr. Abhilash Verma. We were proud to know that the chief guest was Director at CITRIX and he was the alumni of the same college with which I was starting my journey. In his speech, he highlighted how symbiosis became his family and he is still a part of it. He also shared with us some instances of his life.

After the Induction Programme, I had a hearty meal at the mess. The food was of good standards and my anxiety of not getting good food at hostel disappeared. Then, I interacted with my batch mates. Most of them were very humble and friendly. Looking forward towards having a great time with them. Then, I came back to the hostel. By now, my room partner had also arrived. Soon, I was engrossed in setting up my room. After the set up was complete I went to my friend’s room where already many people had gathered. We chatted with each other and shared our experiences. This is when the feeling of constitution of my new family at Symbiosis started  soaking inside me.

That night when I lied down on my bed, many thoughts were coming to my mind, both good and bad. Then the cool winds of Pune blew in from the window and and I don’t know when I retired into deep sleep.

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