Life kicksoff @SCIT

By Administrator 123erty

Golden words delivered by VP at Goldman Sachs, followed by a thrilling trekking session amidst heavy rains. Mafias with guns looming over you, priests reaching to hell! Radhas accompany them to the dance floor!!
Confused? Am I talking about some new trailer of a bollywood movie or what?!
This is just one month of my life @ SCIT.

S-C-I-T these four alphabets, from outside, always exuberated excellence and a passport to the good life and I cherished the dream of getting to the other side of the fence for long. 6th June, 2013 was the day I fulfilled my dream. After aptitude tests and gruelling sessions of GD/PI, I had finally reached the auditorium at Symbiosis Infotech Campus to attend the induction session. The induction session was graced by dignitaries like Dr S B Mujumdar, Dr V Yeravdekar, the youngest and the most dynamic director of Symbiosis University – Dr Raman. Tom Thomas, Vice President at Goldman Sachs, also an alumnus of SCIT, was the guest of honour.
The induction session was very beneficial for the students as it helped settle their nerves and the college faculty provided us with the road map for two years. Director Sir gave us all a simple yet powerful mantra which not only applies to the two years @ SCIT, but also to anything that you do in your life –“It’s in your hands”. You can make or break anything with your will.

First Weekend @SCIT: The first weekend couldn’t have been better! We got a chance for various ice- breaking sessions and to interact with our fellow classmates through an outbound trip to SuryaShibir. It included flavours for all. Thrill lovers enjoyed the trekking; Photographers took maximum benefit of the rainy atmosphere and the scenic beauty; the artists got a chance to showcase their talent on an impromptu basis via skits and dances at SuryaShibir. There were also other fun games aimed to help us know each other.

After all the fun, it was time for books! We had our first test, the pre induction test, coming up soon and the foundation lectures had already commenced. Lectures start from as early as 8 am and last lecture finishes at 9 pm! Art of Living Sessions was an added bonus for the students to rejuvenate them.

But as we know, Fun @ SCIT never stops. The new batch of SCITians got a taste of events @ SCIT through their very own event – Samaarambh. This event was meant especially for our batch and was made successful by collective efforts of students of our batch, guided by Savitha Ma’am & experienced seniors. The event was kick-started by Cultural dance which soon gave way to hot Radhas on the dance floor by the means of Western dance. Skit tickled the laughter bones of the audience whereas the Rock band completely mesmerised them. Audience loved the filler events with sounds of Once more Once more echoing the auditorium. The highpoint of the event was that the faculty and Director Sir gave a standing ovation to all the participants. This was a huge boost for the participants and raised their spirits.
Along with the academic rigours, the involvement in extracurricular activities is a signature aspect of SCIT. The interviews for various core committees and clubs are now going on and the place ceases to be without any new activity. Life @ SCIT is like the life of pebble – constantly moving and constantly shining more than ever before!

Yogesh First Year MBA(ITBM) @ SCIT  🙂

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