SCIT students interviewed by SAP UA

By Administrator 123erty

download (3)With the coming of December, everyone gets into the mood to celebrate the spirit of the festive season. So, why should SCIT be any behind when it comes to celebrating? This festive season, SCIT has all the more reason to celebrate with two of its students being interviewed by SAP UA at SAP TechEd 2013. The two achievers who kept the flag flying high for SCIT are Ms. Richa Rajput and Mr. Keerthi Vivek M, students from the current batch. SAP certification and knowledge are extremely important for those who aspire to build a bright career in the field of information technology. It is for such reasons that SCIT has always encouraged their students to learn through a practical approach that involves industry interface, participation in industry events, informative sessions and so much more. What looks like a boring management program actually turns out to be an interesting transformation phase where students are taught the nuances of managerial world.

Students being interviewed by SAP UA at SAP TechEd 2013 are a matter of great pride for SCIT as they were amongst the chosen few from many entries. It also shows the level of confidence SCIT students have been able to garner with the big names in the industry. Being interviewed requires the participant to possess knowledge, expertise and experience. Therefore, SCIT students being a part of this interview, is indeed an important landmark in terms of achievements. Both Richa and Keerthi have been bright students at SCIT and their representation on such a valuable forum puts them in the frontline for a confident and successful future.

All in all, the festive season has brought in a special dose of happiness for SCIT with its students carrying forth the legacy of academic excellence propagated by the students.


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