SPTC Christmas Celebration

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: January 16, 2019Categories: Student's Blog0 Comments on SPTC Christmas Celebration

SCIT Pune Toastmasters Club (SPTC) hosted its 15th meet on 22nd December, 2018. This meet was dedicated to celebrate the spirit of Christmas and also to welcome the New Year. The meeting witnessed the coming together of both Toastmasters and Non-Toastmasters, all to celebrate the spirit of the forthcoming festivals.

 The Sergeant At Arms – Srishti Dubey, opened the meet by explaining the rules to be followed during the meet and invited the Presiding Officer to take over. The President – Aakansha Gupta, welcomed the guests to the meeting and assured everyone that the meet will have both formal and informal sessions for everyone to enjoy. The Toastmaster of the Day- Srishti Dubey, took over and explained that the meet would only have Table Topics Session and that it would be a kind of Open mike session to encourage everyone to come forward and share their thoughts.

The Table Topics Master – Trisha Jha, went on to explain how the session would be held and invited volunteers from the audience to come forward and speak on topics that were given to them on the spot. There was active participation from the audience and the session was well-received among the same. The General Evaluator – Abhijith Nitta, gave his evaluations on the overall proceedings of the meeting and soon after this the celebrations followed. Ishankamal Mitra played the guitar and sang few songs. The college band, Konnect came together and sang Christmas carols for which the whole audience joined them. The celebrations ended with a cake cutting and a Brazilian group dance in which everyone participated and danced merrily.

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