Outbound programme experience-“the surya shibir”

By Administrator 123erty

When  i  joined  symbiosis   on  my  first  day of  orientation   i got a student  hand book which basically  shows  the upcoming days plans  for  us and i saw june”7th and  8th” as  surya shibir. i kept  wondering  what was it  then  on  7th  early  morning  we got  ready and went for  it .till the time i reached there  i had no clue what was  it  ?when we   reached  there  we  where welcomed  by set  of  ex-  air command officers, suddenly i realized no network on my cell  for  both days of  our stay .It was difficult to  communicate to our parents. The 2 days outbound  program  was filled with  rigorous  physical  activity  which  was  really  a good  experience  for  me  untill the time  i heard  of treaking  but  the mentors made  it very is    for me  because i  was bit uneasy  to  treak  through  but some  how  i completed the treak  which  made  me learn that  nothing is  impossible if your body controls your mind.

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