My first day in Symbiosis Campus

By Administrator 123erty

Getting admission in one of the prestigious MBA college in India is the dream of every Indian youth now a days.
SCIT helped me realized this dream at last and so after months of partying and playing around the first day of the college approached on 5th June ,2015. Initially, I had reached a day earlier at the hostel which is approximately a kilometer away from the main campus known as D hostel.After spending some time and making my
roommates comfortable by sharing and opening up my thoughts the previous day we started our journey from hostel towards the college.
We reached the main campus in like 20 minutes and observing the polishness of the campus made me think about being in part of some developed country. The fountain near the main gate made me think about my whole dark past is going to be washed up with the water flowing up through the sprinklers of the fountain and nourish my
dark soul.It was a sunny day and it was making students pretty uncomfortable but that fact got hidden due to the excitement of the students about the first day of the college.We were made to go into he auditorium of our college for the induction programme arranged by Scit. The moment we entered the auditorium , it was a relief due to the fully equipped air conditioning and the color of the seat was dark blue which made me feel like i am in an underwater tunnel and the occupied seats were some fish faces.Well moving on as the ceremony started the Director made an extremely energetic speech which inspired all the students and in short kept the enthusiasm of the students.After that came the lunch time and we were all taken to the mess area which made us to explore the campus more and more.The synthetic basketball and volleyball courts made the jaw dropping faces of the students.The fully equipped gym with variety of machinery inspired the students to work out at least to some extent. The interaction among the students slowly paced up due to the vibe emitted by the campus. All the workers who are responsible for maintaining the campus also greeted the students with their smiling faces and decent aura.Then there was a feeling like we are not here for studying but spiritually , mentally , physically
and professionally developing ourselves and making an optimum career for ourselves and living life to full extent.
It was really a memorable inspiration for me at the campus and i kind of feel the sense of overcoming my dark past and seeing a sense of white light in my future provided i make use of all the facilities that i am being offered in SCIT.

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