Crossroad of my life!

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: June 14, 2014Categories: Student's Blog0 Comments on Crossroad of my life!Tags: , ,

Hi all!! Walking on road down to my office where I was working as a Intern didn’t knew what was destiny has planned for me. I didn’t knew till 26th Jan that i’ll be studying in one of the most prestigious institutes in INDIA viz, SYMBIOSIS CENTRE OF INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY(MIGHTY MIGTY SCIT as we say!). Let me begin with my introduction.

I am  Omeya Mangesh Shinde, now famously know as OMI. An MBA-ITBM 2014-16 Batch student. It was Monday morning 3rd of June bright sunny day I went to SIC campus from D-Hostel via SYMBIOSIS SHUTTLE for registration process. All nervous, confused, excited I reached at the registration desk, done with my registrations.  All packed with enthusiasm went to a guy, he introduces himself as Tanuj Pandey, later on famously known to out batch as Pandeyji! Walking towards hostel I meet my roomies on the way. Nikhil & Prasad as they introduced to me. All three of us gel-up very easily. Common interests, common work experience and one of them of my regional language. On 4th of June we got up early in morning, got ready and started walking on road to college. All of us wearing White Shirts & Black Trouser’s as told to us by our college authorities. I somewhere felt in my mind, “yaar ye MBA students hai yaa Hotel Management ke waiter”. Later on when our Induction started our dynamic, confident, commanding, optimist Director of MIGTY MIGHY SCIT Dr. R. Raman gave his welcome speech. He really has excellent convincing power and ability to motivate with his presentation. During induction when Dr. Raman was talking about SCIT i thought in my mind,” dude do I really deserve this is the most awesome thing that can happen to me”.  Because of our Dr. Raman’s dynamic speech & presentation, we guys of 2014-16 batch address him has DD (i.e., Dynamic Director).

Later in the evening we had introduction session with all batch mates. We came to know each other very closely, all this helped us for the Team Building & Ice Breaking sessions, later in Surya Shibir. I just want to thank god for planning such a wonderful destiny for me! I would like to conclude with this short poem.

Now I am standing on crossroads and I don’t know where to go

These paths, they stare at me Shouting out “Choose me”

I am tired…. of choosing the path I am tire of walking on the road

so should I walk the chosen path or should I move one for my own

and if  I walk the chosen path, will yearn for making my own

so I chose to move my own

Every point will be a new crossroad

and my path will be my own!

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