Commencement of a Pristine Beginning

By Administrator 123erty

sunrise-runningThrobbing heart, dewy-eyed, baffled long the way after submitting resignation at Tech Mahindra, I travelled to the  IT hub, Pune. With my nostalgic old memories, I surely remember MBA in a premier IT-B  school  was my oldest and evergreen dream in life. Within a few minutes my yearning desire was going to be true after the registration process. So, without any delay I after completing formalities was ” awarded “ with SCIT Id-card. Soon struggling with my luggage I entered into my new “home”. On unlocking ,an ivory colour dyed room with huge windows  showcasing the innately beautiful city got a grin on my edgy face. Soon, I rushed for the most awaited “The Induction Programme”.

On entering into the vivacious auditorium seeing boys completely in white and girls elegantly dressed was simply amazing. In a few minutes guests arrived Dr. Raman ,director of “Mighty Mighty SCIT” was the 1st speaker of the day. As our Young dynamic director started showing his pragmatic graphs, placement statistics, they calmed down my restless nerves pounding since the unemployment I preferred to choose 2 months back. His brilliant last words “everything is in your hands”  left an aroma of indelible faith on each one of our abilities. With a big round of clapping he was then followed by our proud aluminee Mr. Abhilash Verma who spoke brilliantly on facts and figures. In an hour or two after few more brilliant speeches, with a victorious smile, exalted hopes I came back to my hostel.

The 33 hours long hectic journey from Odisha vanished as the marvelous fantasies had started gusting up my Soul. So, quickly without resting I went for the Symbiosis campus-drive. Initiating from the equipped  gymnasium to the wholesome provisional store, everything was cool until I had seen the indoor swimming pool .Being crazily fascinated by swimming I was completely wonderstruck seeing the blues. My favourite de-stressing recreation got fixed. 🙂 Regaining my composure while I was completing  the  green campus-drive, I had regained adolescence of my “incredible college days”. Exploring stunning cool guys and attractively dressed girls was beyond my control 😉

Finally after I returned to my hostel everything was wonderful until I took the lift for the 6th-floor,as it stopped in the middle. I, a classmate I had caught sight of her in induction and her mother was in the lift. We both being “Young bloods” calmly once, twice …then for a small 2-digit no. of times started pressing the alarm bell. Loud noises from down could be heard. Aunty being scared, we talked, pacified ,then a big ice-breaking smile when we discovered each other as roommates. Hugging her tightly after the Recovery process  finally when I entered to my room a warm gust of feelings had draped me already….  ” An adrenaline rush to relive every second in the next 2 years with a desire to be the Successful Mba package  “Miss All in 1”.






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