A new beginning at SCIT

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: June 12, 2014Categories: Student's Blog9 Comments on A new beginning at SCITTags: , ,

Should it be any short of an experience I had when I visited any place for the first time? It wasn’t.

People would be new, they would have their own way of doing the obviousthings of life: eat, sleep, work and enjoy. I saw it and some styles and
methods had strokes of a master. Was it God carving a new path in heaven that I want to be friends with a few instantly? No, many friendly faces evoked friendly response and I was merely responding.

Words of wisdom from people who have done it and then said it are reassuring and motivational. When they spoke on the induction day I was all
ready to follow their path and promised to dedicate my hours to hard and sincere work.

Our campus contains the food mess, our rooms and the college. My house had it all too. So what’s new? It took me a while a long while to know how to make my house, my life, people and words work for me. I went about it at my speed.

I have all of it at SCIT and just 2 years to make it. So it is ready steady go…….. the hour glass has been turned upside down.

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