Turning ideas into Publications!

I write blogs. Not regularly but more often I do.It all started with the idea of blog writing.The idea clicked and then began the process of putting the blog and its analysis into a research paper. We actually wrote a paper on blog analysis and user engagement that too using a statistical tool!Our paper titled “Blog analysis and user engagement -An insight using statistical analysis” also got accepted for publication in a SCOPUS indexed journal.
Research paper writing is actually one long process that makes you write and re-write the content that finally constitutes into a RESEARCH PAPER.During the literature review my colleague kept on saying that we need to add more…and read more and again include more literature- a true learning! Data was collected using SCIT’s blog and through our research we found out certain key parameters that go into attracting more number of users towards the blog and that the blog content plays a vital role in attracting more people towards the blog.Using SPSS we related and proved our hypotheses.Interpreting the results in unison with our research was another key challenge.
All in all,working in a team for our paper was a wonderful experience which I might not have enjoyed working alone!
I discovered the true researcher in me.:)
Thank you Team!
Happy Researching!!!
Written by :
Prof. Apoorva Vikrant Kulkarni,SCIT.