Systems Specialization in MBA-ITBM at SCIT: Gateway to being Client-Centric…….

By Administrator 123erty

// While businesses strive to adopt technologies, we at SCIT thrive to adapt our students to such businesses //

Hi friends, what is common amongst the terms Business Analyst, Quality Analyst, Functional Consultant, Technical Consultant and Audit Consultant?  You guessed it right and it is understanding your client’s pulse.  Today the industry is in great need of professionals who can visualise and convert clients’ expectations into realizations by prescribing appropriate solutions.  Professionals with eyes full of curiosity to probe, identify and solve technology challenges at the client side are obviously valuable.  So can I transform my virtues into values; valuable?  Yes of course, welcome to the Systems Specialization at SCIT, the gate way to valuable virtues.  What is in it for me? and Why should I prefer Systems? Very happy to answer….This specialization inculcates certain key capabilities that are required to be just Client-Centric.  They are, to understand the domain of the client from both business and technology perspectives, deliver a software solution/service to the fullest satisfation of clients, identify business processes, evaluate them critically and recommend effective governance models for fixing and sustaining best business practices.  Let me elaborate….Elective Courses in Systems are industry reviewed, recommended and driven.  Course like ERP, Requirements Management, Systems Dynamics Modelling, Software Development Methodologies, Global IT Delivery Models, Enterprise Solutions amongst others in Systems specialization enables you to get a sound  knowledge of tools/methods to capture customer requirements, by understanding  business domains of customers.  You concretize your conceptual clarity on software solution and quality.  You acquire knowledge in a variety of software solutions, platforms andrelated compliances.  You will be simulating experiences of interacting with clients’ technical and functional team to plan out a software solution/service.

It is imperative that you are vested with the capability to analyze customer business processess with some select industry proven process modeling tools.  You should be able to develop the ability to convince operational people to reengineered processes with facts and data and have a business view to implement and integrate business processes.  Your knowledge on domain specific compliances and the ability to recommend specific standards will enable you to rub shoulders with decision makers in a very short span of time.

Congrats, I appreciate your interest in being valuable to your client.  Look forward for more interactions and research driven academic experiences when you are on board the Systems Specialization  of MBA-ITBM only at SCIT.

Best Wishes….

Prof. SVK Bharathi

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