SCIT students going to RITS for Summer Internship Project | Blog

By Administrator 123erty

Dear All

SCIT recognizes and motivates students to take research at every level of the MBA program and never misses an opportunity to applaud a good research work. In this endeavor best research projects are chosen after rigorous scrutiny (which includes presentations, poster competitions, viva-voce, and experts’ opinion) and the best projects are awarded at the end of 2 years.

I am very glad to inform you that 5 SCIT students will be going to Ritsumeikan University (RITS), Japan for pursuing their summer internship project at the RITS labs in Japan.

These students will be getting a scholarship of JPY 80000 per month for 3 months, for carrying out their summer internship research project at Japan. The total Scholarship amount would be JPY 240000 (about INR 150000) in total. This is the first time that the students are going to a university abroad for their summer internship along with a stipend. I am sure that this is just the beginning and more is yet to come!

Dr Raman
Director – SCIT

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