Social Responsibility – Its Important

By Administrator 123erty

Dear All

The second year Student Social Responsibility (SSR) group did a great job in inducting the first year students into the SCIT -SSR committee. I was happy to see a huge crowd who volunteered to join the SSR committee. Currently this activity is on voluntary basis. It is true that becoming “Socially Responsible“ cannot be forced in a IT B School, but I strongly feel that sensitizing each and every participant who joins SCIT MBA – ITBM to the social issues is certainly needed. In fact I have plans to bring CSR as a Non letter credit course from the next academic year.

Let me talk in the language that many students understand. Imagine a situation where two students are facing an interview. Both of them equally talented, flexible and are great problem solvers. One has a service bent of mind and has participated in SSR activities and the other is having a one year experience but has not shown interest in any SSR or any other extra non- academic activity. Whom do you think with a Blue chip company or a Consulting giant sign up? There is a good chance that the former gets the offer!

I am not trying to conclude that SSR activity compensates work experience, but it is a well known fact that “attitude that you posses” does play a vital role in selection processes! It is a highly competitive world out there. If you want people to take you in, and invest in you do not ignore social responsibility

Dr R Raman
Director- SCIT

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