SCIT also offers one year fully residential PGDITBM program

By Administrator 123erty

Dear All

Today is 18th Jan 2012, and it feels like the new year has just started, but just 13 days left  for the first month to end! Time really moves fast.

Only two days to go for the GE/PI list for SCIT’s full time MBA(ITBM) program to be declared. There will be some who will be delighted and possibly many who will be disappointed.

I was looking at the list and found that there are many aspirants with excellent profile and good work experience but could not manage to get a good percentile in SNAP and hence possibly will miss a chance to pursue their dream of getting into MBA(ITBM) at SCIT.

I sometimes feel sad that one exam and a few hours, decide the chance of aspirants to be shortlisted for GE/PI at SCIT. It will be really painful for those who have good work experience, but did not manage to score the cutoff percentile in SNAP, as they find very little time to prepare for SNAP due to the work pressures that they have.

When I was pondering on what could be done, then came the solution – PGDITBM.

The PGDITBM program will be a boon to all those who have minimum 18th months work experience in IT related areas and are willing to enroll for a one year full time residential program that equips themselves with skills related to technology and management. Similar to the full time MBA program, the subjects in this program will be covered both by full time faculty members and also by the industry experts. Free training for value added certification of like ITIL & Six sigma will be provided to aspirants of this program. The focus of the course will be on IT Security and Systems. This fully residential program will adopt a fast tracked approach for equipping skills related to IT Security and Business Management. The main aspect which many students always look for  – is PLACEMENTS. The participants who pursue this program will also get the placement support from SCIT.

Aspirants who are desirous of admission to PGDITBM at SCIT must apply for the same, by filling the online application form, the link for which is given in our website(

Short listing of applicants will be based on the profile and the selection process will be based on Personal Interview with the aspirant!


Dr Raman

Director -SCIT


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