A Information to Waiting list candidates – MBA(ITBM) 2014-2016

By Administrator 123erty

There are many questions from students who are wait listed ,enquiring about their “Chance” to get into the Merit List , and answers being given by SCIT students is a standard reply “It all depends”. I thought I must give a better answer to this question and hence this blog post.

To put it straight there is an “EXCELLENT” chance for a wait-list candidates to get into the Merit list for SCIT , esp for this year ( 2014-2106) admission and the reason is, this year it’s a common admission process which has been followed by Symbiosis International University.

Let me explain with an example. Let us take this following list who all have been merit listed and wait-listed in different programs (all imaginary just for example)


1 Ram Merit Listed in SIBM Merit Listed in SCMHRD Merit Listed in SIIB Merit Listed in SCIT WaitlistedIn SIMB(P) Wailisted in SIOM
2 Shyam Merit Listed in SIOM Merit Listed in SICSR Merit Listed in SIIB Waitlisted in SCIT WaitlistedIn SCMHRD Wailisted in SIBM
3 David Merit Listed in SIBM Merit Listed in SCMHRD Merit Listed in SIIB Merit Listed in SCIT WaitlistedIn SIMB(P) Wailisted in SIOM
4 Imran Merit Listed in SIOM Merit Listed in SCIT WaitlistedIn SIMB(P) Wailisted in SIBM
5 Joseph Merit Listed in SCIT Merit Listed in SICSR WaitlistedIn SIMB(P) Wailisted in SIOM
6 Mohammad Merit Listed in SIBM Merit Listed in SCIT Waitlisted Listed in SIIB
7 Gokul Merit Listed in SCIT Merit Listed in SICSR
8 Vishal Waitlisted in SCIT WaitlistedIn SIMB(P) Wailisted in SIOM
9 Madan Waitlisted in SCIT WaitlistedIn SICSR Wailisted in SIOM
10 Mohan Waitlisted in SCIT WaitlistedIn SICSR WaitlistedIn SIIB


Now, of all those who have got merit listed, they have options open to make their choice, and it depends on several factors, including but not limiting to- their inclination towards a specialization, the band equity of the Institute, the influence of their friends, the influence of their family members, the fee charged for the program, the availability of substitutes to choose from other educational competitors etc etc  etc. Also the student make the payment only for one program, even if he/she has been merit listed in many! Hence there is an excellent chance for waitlisted candidates to get into merit list and the reason is if a student is good generally he/she gets shortlisted for many programs!

Hence I reiterate the chance Wait-listed candidate to get into merit list is “EXCELLENT” and my guesstimate would be – Wait-listed students in hundreds( not sure how many hundreds)  would certainly get into Merit list !

Best wishes

Dr R Raman Director SCIT and Dean – FocS



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