Samarambh 2013 | SCIT Blog

By Administrator 123erty

Dear All

Today it was proved beyond doubt that Samarambh 2013 can stand an example for team work and team spirit! Samarambh 2013 can also stand an example for meticulous time management – Started sharp at 14#00 and finished sharp at 16#00

During Samarambh 2013 many realized that batch 2013-2015 possesses versatile talent- singing -dancing and even acting!  After Samarambh 2013 everyone felt.. Why did did it get over so soon?!

Samarambh 2013 once again proved that the student folks at SCIT are not only Information Technology business management specialists, but also are a bunch of Innovative and Talented youngsters.

SamarambhBatch 2013-2015 put up a great show!


Kudos to all the seniors who guided– and all the participants who participated and showcased your talent – and all the spectators who applauded and encouraged!

Keep up the Good work and Keep rocking!


Dr Raman

Director – SCIT

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