Parenting at SCIT

By Administrator 123erty

On the very first day of our two years journey in SCIT (of 2012-2014batch), our parents were assured that their sprouts will be well taken care of. This new address of resident was a mystery for us. Everyday accepting the new challenges to overcome the new problems in this new life. But we SCITians are lucky. All our stupid questions and queries are answered, repeatedly answered with smile. Wardens, guard-didis and all staffs are so helpful and supporting.

Still something was there, unspoken and unsolved. Finally the email came on 17th Jul,2012,  that we have an open session with our Director sir on 18th Jul,2012. We share all our problems whether it is academic or non-academic, he heard everything with patience and promised the fastest possible solution. Got an email from Director sir, on 20th July,2012 which had details of actions taken and solutions of five issues out of the six issues that were raised in the open house session. Another open house session was scheduled exactly one month later, 0n 15th Aug,2012. Joyful feedback on the first session was given, new issues  were discussed with assurance of immediate possible solutions, followed by a gala musical gathering at the Atrium.

This is SCIT….where parenting really happens. We are proud to be SCITians, we are proud of our Director Dr.Raman.

Mighty Mighty, SCIT!!!! 

Ritwika Naskar

MBA-ITBM SCIT(2012-2014)


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