International Sales and Consumer Behavior in 2021 and Beyond

By Administrator 123erty

On 6th February, 2021 ,a guest lecture  was conducted on ‘International Sales and Consumer Behavior in 2021 and Beyond’ as a part of the e-Talk Series 2021. It was delivered by Mr. Apoorv Tripathi, who is a Key Account Manager at Rahi Systems. Mr. Tripathi, gave insights on Sales such as the buying and selling process, understanding the customer, buyer, the salesperson perspective and much more. He explained about decision making process of buyers, which arises from internal sources such as hunger, needs, wants and demands. Once the customer is aware of the product, he finds ways to buy it. Then, he evaluates various options, alternatives, before the final purchase is made. After the purchase, a customer understands the worth and if he likes it, he purchases more of it or gives negative feedback. Mr. Tripathi also explained about various selling theories like- AIDA, SPIN and FABV. Then, he also explained about various sales roles like sales support, salesman, account managers, client services. The speaker put some light on the qualities of a sales person like, knowledge of product, impressive personality, sound health, good behavior, approach to each customer and so on. Concern for sale and concern for customers are the two important parameters based on which the orientation of the salesperson is observed. The speaker also explained about a concept called ABC- Always Be Closing. Towards the end, there was a Question & Answer session where Mr. Apoorv Tripathi answered all the queries of the students and concluded on similar lines.

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