Acing GD-PI

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: March 18, 2021Categories: Student's Blog0 Comments on Acing GD-PI

A guest lecture on the topic ‘Acing GD-PI was conducted on the 7th of March as a part of the e-Talk Series 2021. It was delivered by Mr. Naveen Chandran, contriver at Skill Safari & Keys Inc.

The session started with the discussion of several recruitment essentials for any candidate. The speaker mentioned the objectives of the personal interview from the viewpoint of recruiters and the appearing candidates. The recruiter’s goal is to evaluate the candidate’s skills and experience for the job opening. The recruiter usually looks for good all-around intelligence in a candidate. After that, the speaker talked about the crucial tips for the preparation of any personal interview. The key points which he focused on are to check their resume and anticipate questions which an interviewer can ask. He advised students to prepare for other types of questions like- the what-if questions and discussed ways to answer them appropriately. Also, he directed us to practice a good hold on selling our key points in the interview. After that, he spoke about the significance of body language in an interview. The power of the first impression is related to the dressing of a candidate, introduction, and making proper eye contact. Later, he went on to describe the response strategy of a question. He urged students to listen carefully and have proper clarification of the questions and a candidate should give answers by relating with real-life examples. Towards the end of the session, he also spoke about the factors which can create a bad impression and gave the solutions to avoid them.

After that, he explained about group discussions and advised students to be updated with the current happening around the world to perform well. He also explained various Do’s and Don’ts of group discussion. The speaker closed the session by highly motivating the students to perform well in their forthcoming placement processes. Towards the end, there was a Question & Answer session where Mr. Naveen Chandran answered all the queries of the students and concluded on similar lines.

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