Guest Lecture on Gender Sensitization

By Administrator 123erty

We all are aware that women safety is one big move taken into consideration by most nations. Though why only women, men too are and should be an equal part of it. Gender equality isn’t only about women, but men too. To acknowledge us more on the subject, SCIT welcomed Ms. Renuka Mukadam, a consultant at SATHI-CEHAT , and Ms. Semanti Choudhury, an assistant professor at Symbiosis Law School.
The main aim of the lecture was at gender equity, give head start to those who suffered, securing women at workplace and colleges to compete at par, and to help shift from existing gender stereotypes. With time, age, culture, and hierarchy it may vary. Ms. Renuka Mukadam informed us about how gender sensitization takes place in the society, such as socialization, which includes family and society, education, media and language. This lead us to think how much a person’s upbringing may affect a person’s thought process. She made sure to make the session interactive, thereby reminding us of toys that we played with in our childhood. She pointed at how boys and girls are given different toys to play with during their childhood. Also, how from college girl students to working women face the same consequences on harassment. She also showed us two short movies on it at the end of it. She related it to a Bollywood movie that came up with the same concept which made us all stay connected throughout the session.
Ms Renuka Mukadam and Ms Semanti Choudhury not only told us how and why gender sensitization is important, but they also notified us on laws made in our legal system regarding the same. From Sexual Harassment at Work Place(SHWP) to eve teasing and flirting, Ms Semanti Choudhury informed us about penalty and charges taken against the accused. She told us why should it be important to girls as well boys by providing very practical view on it, timeframe for lodging complaint, and option for conciliation without financial settlement, which made most of us very well aware of the actions taken against an accused. A lot many students who had their doubt on laws and their functioning were cleared out by her that made the session compelling.
They provided us with some thorough guidelines on why and where women aren’t safe yet, and the actions taken against harassment, and briefing on gender equity which considers men and women equal in our legal system. So, why not us, too. With a beautiful message left to us at the end of the session, which goes like, ‘Men of quality respects women’s equality’, they left. It was as certain that it did have good impact on student’s mind-set. With this, we can easily conclude that SCIT continues to participate in activities that aren’t only study related, but helps make their students better person.

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