First Day At Symbiosis
As i was stepping towards my new journey i was very curious and damn excited. This morning was different than usual as today i have to start from my hometown i.e. Delhi to my dream destination that is symbiosis college to pursue the management degree. College is the time that most people are conscious about how they look and there is desire to be look absolutely perfect so i was also gearing myself to look best of all. Coming from the secure environment , B schools are the place where we dive deep into the sea for learning. Knowledge and thirst of getting it keep one’s vanity in check. I boarded the flight from Delhi to Pune and reached pune airport with high aspirations. No more living at home and hard core discipline and its time to build great friends at college .Once i reached college premises i was scintillated by the smell of roses and other flowers and it was which are After reaching hostel and getting all hostel registration completed, i got my room keys from the warden and then i stepped towards hostel. As i entered into my room there were 2 girls already present in the room. I was very excited to do the interaction with them as each person is from different walks of life and this variety is what makes getting to know them makes you more curious. After having dinner in night we all 3 had a little bit chit chats and then we got ready to spend our 1st night in symbiosis. I was very excited and nervous too as it would be all together new environment and new people. I have to make some changes in my daily schedule to get fit into the strict schedule provided by college to fly into new colors. While thinking about my new journey, i slept with high hopes and aspirations in my heart and mind.