Decoding IT Compliance

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: March 2, 2021Categories: Student's Blog0 Comments on Decoding IT Compliance

The wonderful month of February began with the guest lecture on the topic “Decoding IT Compliance” conducted on 6th February 2021. The eminent speaker of the lecture was Ms. Mani Keerthi Nagothu, alumina of SCIT who is at present working as a Manager with MNP Consulting. With the corporate experience of 6+ years in the field of IT advisory. Ms. Mani has expertise in lending IT audits, external and internal audits, and assurance services.

She started her talk by shedding light on IT Compliances and the significance of IT compliances in every aspect of business and market in the world right now. She emphasized various areas of IT compliances like IT Governance, Risk Management. Later on, she discussed one of the most important compliance – the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 (SOX), which deals with the financial reporting of all U.S. publicly traded corporations as well as their subsidiaries and international companies that are public and do business with the United States. She also described the different sections under the SOX like Section-301, Section-302, Section-404, and Section-906. She told their respective functions and importance and by practicing different compliances any firm can get clarity in their reports. She also discussed some real-life examples for better understanding. After this Ms. Mani discussed the IT processes and their classification. To make the session more interactive she showed different types of picture-based scenarios on IT processes and asked students to give their inputs.

Towards the end of the session, she gave various tips to the students which they can use in their interviews. She told the art of making a fabulous impression and showing the best qualities during an interview. She told students to focus on various areas like doing the proper background research of the firm, prepare themselves for the contextual questions, and most importantly to work properly on presenting themselves. At the end of the session, students communicated with great interest and asked queries. It was an informative and interactive session.

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