Day – 5 Independence Cup

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: August 19, 2016Categories: Student's Blog0 Comments on Day – 5 Independence Cup

Day 5 of Independence Cup had six matches on the ground and simultaneously 8 Chess matches as well. The day started with Cricket between Senior Div B Vs Junior Div A Seniors defeated juniors.
Lined up next were two very exciting Girls Cricket matches, the first one had Div A Seniors playing against Div D Juniors. There was great coordination in both the teams and the match had the audience on their toes. The Juniors defeated the Seniors adding another victory to the Junior Div D’s basket.
The second match was between Div A Juniors Vs Div D Seniors, this match took the energy and excitement of the previous match to another level! With both teams playing brilliantly, it was a fierce competition between both the teams. Once again the Juniors won by defeating seniors by 17 runs.
This was followed by a football match between Div A Juniors and Div C Juniors. Both teams tried really hard to attack, but Div C was always one step ahead and managed to win the match by 3-0.
The next match of the day was Volleyball between Seniors and Juniors C+D. While the Juniors tried their best to give a fight, the senior team was confident and played with perfect coordination to win the match in 2 sets straight.
The last match of the day was Boys Volleyball with Div B Seniors against Div A Juniors, with Seniors defeating Juniors.
With this another exciting day came to an end, with the tournament almost halfway now, all the teams are familiar with each other’s strengths and weaknesses, with newer strategies, some changes and much more competitive spirit, we hope that the rest of the days bring more fun and excitement to the Independence Cup.

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