Child Marriage

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: July 29, 2013Categories: Student's Blog0 Comments on Child Marriage

Child marriage, an obsessive problem in many nations claiming to develop, condemns more than 10 million girl kids under 18 a year globally–and India is also one of the nations with this huge blotch on her face!.

I assert that this shames our nation in a host of ways because it cuts a girl’s educational prospects short. It traps them and their kids in endless poverty. They are accursed with early pregnancy and childbirth when they are least prepared physically and psychologically for this ordeal. Their lives and health turn risky for no fault of theirs. There is far more probability of their getting infected with AIDS or HIV.They tend to suffer more domestic violence ,not being in the know of their rights at all! Globally, in comparison with boys, girls are disproportionately affected and comprise the vast majority of the victims of child marriages. The UN has observed that on an average 1 in 7 girls is married off before her 15th birthday–and some child brides have not even crossed 8!Such kids experience dangerous complications during the pregnancy and child bearing, forced upon her!

Don’t you feel that once all Indians unite in fighting this national shame, we can obliterate this obnoxious convention?.

Let’s work together to tone up India’s heavily freckled and mud-smudged complexion!

By Sunil Ahuja, MBA-ITBM student of 13-15

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