A Social Resposibility

By Administrator 123erty

Hi All

After coming to Pune, we all have been so busy in our daily “MBA” life.  Getting up early in the morning, running for the lectures, completing Assignment , Writing exams, Participating in Sports and events  and being awake till 2#00 am completing the presenatation and case study questions for the class ! None of us have time to do any other activity. Here we also spend our “spare” time in qulaity discussions and some times engaging in a discussion in the hotel rooms.

Many of us are from the middle class or the upper middle class. We were given all amenities very easily. We were fortunate enough to get educated . Most of us had our education in English medium . Almost all of us have latest knowledge of Computers. Most of us have good knowledge about sports, economy, politics, language, maths etc.

Usually we don’t share this knowledge  because we are always surrounded by people who have equal knowledge. So most of the time this sea of knowledge remain unused by someone who really need it. I have seen many students in my class who are excellent in English, Maths, science, IT and computers. These people are most eligible to fill gap between poor children and education they really want.

I feel that by joining ” Prayatna” and the SSR team ay SCIT we can certainly make and mark the difference and be socially responsible too!

Ravi Soni – MBA 2012-2014


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