9th day brought lots of thrilling matches

By Administrator 123erty

The first week of Independence Cup was full of exciting matches seen in cricket, football basketball, volleyball & table tennis. Sometimes juniors enjoyed their victory over seniors and sometimes seniors enjoyed their victory over juniors. In both the cases, each and every team struggled hard to win the upcoming knockout matches. So, the Second week is more exciting, thrilling and interesting as it will be decided who is eligible to win the knockouts and book their place in the semi-finals and then finally win the INDEPENDENCE CUP!!

Ninth Day started with the most anticipated sport in the Independence Cup. Box Cricket it was!! The first match was played between A Senior Vs. B Junior. B junior girls from starting of the match played with full of energy and batted really well. As good as their batting was so was their bowling, hence they were able to bowl out A Senior girls and won their first match. What a match it was!! After such an interesting match, started the match between D Senior & A Junior where D senior won the match. A junior started losing wickets early resulting in less runs being scored. With a low target and excellent batting, D Senior won the match easily. With full enthusiasm, B Junior again came on the field to play their next match against B&C Senior. Taking inspiration from their first winning match of the day, B junior girls played to their best. A match of catches it was!! B&C Senior started losing their wickets and managed to score 8 runs which B junior chased it in 1st over only. Hence, they won their second match also.

After an electrifying performance by girls in the box cricket, then started the volleyball match. The first match was played between D Junior & C Senior where each team played spectacularly well. Each team managed to win 1 set maintaining the curiosity among the audience to see who will win the third set and ultimately the match. At last, such a nail-biting match was won by C senior by 2-1. Then began the second volleyball match between D Senior and C Junior where seniors again outperformed juniors and thus won the match. Last match of the day was the most awaited match as it was the semi-final match between C junior & C Senior. All the supporters were ready to cheer and support their respective teams. Looking at the match, it could be said that it really created the atmosphere of semi-final match being played. The main eyes were on C Junior who played consecutively well in their previous matches against seniors and booked their place in semi-finals. However, this time seniors showed their best cricket by winning the match against juniors and made their way to the finals.

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