The year that was!

By Administrator 123erty

So it is post 21 December 2012, and I am still alive. It’s for sure the world has not come to an end! At least not for me! At the same time the countdown has begun for the moment when we all say “Happy New Year” and that’s when I start reminiscing about the year that was – 2012.

The year has been quite eventful throughout and for me it started with joining the great Symbiosis fraternity in the month of January. Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology (SCIT) accepted and welcomed me with much love and warmth. In this day and age, it is difficult to find even one person who is like-minded, I found everyone at SCIT to be thinking like I think. After the initial induction and orientation I got my first paper to teach at SCIT – Financial Accounting & Managerial Accounting. Although I had taught this subject earlier as well, teaching the students at SCIT was a different experience altogether. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope the students also feel the same! Then came the SCIT foundation day when I also got a chance to perform and till date remains as the most memorable moment for me at SCIT. In fact the kind of blend of educational and cultural activities that happen at SCIT makes it a unique place to be in. This provides a complete all round development of students which they would cherish throughout their lives. Between the various festival celebrations and the seminars and guest lectures, SCIT covers a wide spectrum of curricular as well as extra-curricular activities. This was also witnessed in the year 2012 like always. Another moment which I can’t miss to mention is when I got a chance to teach kathak to the Japanese students which was also covered by the local print media. I was first overwhelmed by the most unique opportunity (which I don’t think anyone would get anywhere else – Thank you Prof Sadhana and Dr Raman) that I got and then by the response of the international students. It was a great experience.

The year 2012 in India saw many ups and downs. Where on the economic front we did reasonably well with the GDP growing at a steady rate of 5.5%, on the social parameters our performance has not been up to the mark. The horrendous thing that recently happened in Delhi with a 23 year old girl, makes us ask a question, in a country like India, how can we think about becoming a developed nation when we can’t even respect our women, forget about worshiping!

Rashmi S Gairola

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