SCIT Placement Statistics!

By Administrator 123erty

Dear SCIT MBA(ITBM) aspirants ( Batch 2012-2014)

After we updated our placement statistics,there is a lot of discussion going on in the forums, hence I thought of writing about this in my blog!  It is a fact that at SCIT we have a total of 180 seats are available and of these the 15% of the seats are reserved for SC, 7.5% is for ST and 3% is reserved for the differently abled, which leaves just 134 seats for the open category students, who come and join SCIT in just through merit.  It is also a challenging task to fill seats which are kept reserved and hence the total number of 180 might not be the total final number, and for the current passing out batch the total number is just 171!  When private companies visit our campus for placements, they do not have the reservation policy in place, and go JUST ON MERIT.

Although SCIT puts a lot of efforts in placing each and every student, If I make tall claims that “All those who join will be certainly placed for sure”, just think… will it be humanly possibly to make such statements, when we follow the rules laid by the government on “Whom to admit” !

We fix a eligibility criteria, this time it was minimum 2.45 CGPA. Hence all those who got more that 2.45 CGPA though the rigorous teaching learning process became eligible for placements. When corporate houses visit SCIT for placements, they have their own yard sticks and rules when it comes to recruiting students. Some ask for a minimum CGPA, some ask for specific domain skills, and some others open it to all students! This entirely depends on the company visiting the campus!

So those who are Academically and Practically better than the rest in the group , get picked up first and the rest wait for their  turn. The data shown at is as on 17th March 2012. The final statistics with changes if any will be posted by the end of April 2012. Hence I am really amused when I see many going “gaga” about SCIT placement statistics on public forums and social media.

Cheers and see you soon on campus!

Dr Raman

Director- SCIT

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