Evonix Going Great Guns!

By Administrator 123erty

Dear All

Opting out of placements is not a trend at IIMs alone any more! I am very glad that two founder members of EVONIX Technologies Mr.Mubaid and Mr.Niladri from  SCIT  (along with Mr.Chandra)  pursuing second year MBA(ITBM)   @ SCIT   have opted out of placement process.

Their business is going places and they have now built a strong client base with in one year of thier operations. On 3rd Oct 2012 Evonix was born at SCIT by these budding youngsters.

I was thrilled to see the video that they created for SCIT MBA(ITBM) admissions 2013, which is available in you tube at  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-pdjyz6ZHc&feature=plcp

With in a very short span of time the number of hits for this video is impressive .

Keep it up Evonix team!

Dr Raman

Director – SCIT


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