Best Students and Great Alma Matter – Assets of SCIT

By Administrator 123erty

Dear All

Just one more month left for the year 2011 to end. I was collating the accolades and achievements of SCIT – Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology for the year 2011. After seeing the list, I thought of sharing it with all of you through my blog.

The year started with a big bang for SCIT. We won the National B school award by Star News, where SCIT was judged the Best B school using technology in training and education. We also got the Best B School with Industry related curriculum in Information Technology from the same agency. This was followed by the DNA and Stars Group conferring on Director- SCIT the B-School Professor who continuously innovates in style & substance for Academic Excellence.

The ranking by Hindustan Times Raking was released during mid july, and SCIT moved up 4 places in it, taking the 25th position in the list of best B schools in the country. Later the Outlook group magazine Career 360 ranked us at 23rd position in the list of Best B School in the country.

As the entire team at SCIT wanted to get MBA – Information Technology Business Management Program graded by a third party, who is unbiased and known in the grading sector, we went ahead with CRISIL grading for our MBA program. We were the first constituent of SIU-Symbiosis International University to take CRISIL grading. We got an impressive grading for our MBA program, A*** at State Level and A** at National Level.
It was a pleasant surprise during the month of July when I got information that Director- SCIT was awarded one of the best professors in information technology, in a survey by CMO advisory board and the advisory council of world brand congress. The award was given at the 2nd Asia’s Second Best B School Awards ceremony held on 22nd July 2011 at Suntech Singapore.

November started yet again with a great news -SCIT winning the 19th Dewang Mehta Best B school award. SCIT is being honored with Business School with Best Academic Input (Syllabus) in Information Technology at an award function to be held at Taj lands end, Mumbai.

It is a pride and prestige to all the stake holders of SCIT. All this was possible due the Best Students and Great Alma matter – the true assets of SCIT.

Take care and Cheers
Dr Raman
Director- SCIT

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