Student Exchange Programme-2018
Student Exchange Programme-2018
“You need experience to get experience”, Considering it, SCIT is helping its students in getting this experience not only in the domestic companies but also outside the national boundary. SCIT’ s collaboration with Ritsumeikan University, globally recognized University of Japan, helps the students in attaining expertise beyond normal skills.
Every year students of SC
IT get an opportunity to explore globally. They are sent to completely new places where they face different challenges which indirectly helps them in their overall growth. This year too, few Interns did their research in various domains such as Requirement Engineering, Data Engineering and Data Science.

The Interns had a very lucrative experience. One of the interns , Divya, stated that the three months had taught her many important lessons which would guide her throughout her career. She mentioned that getting acquainted with new work culture and language was the biggest challenge. She added that this internship helped her in knowing the value of self-motivation, independent working and most importantly value of time. Her biggest learning was:”Knowledge is absolute perfection.”
Soumya, another Intern also had quite a similar experience. She said that the most important thing one can learn is the clarity of thoughts. She mentioned that she re-learnt various things. She felt that this internship has changed her outlook on learning.
The third intern, Saikat Ghosh added that he was an introvert person and had fear of public speaking. But this experience helped him in overcoming this hurdle. The foreign exposure has not only
taught him how to face challenges but also new way of considering things.
Other than work oriented skills, the exposure that they have attained is ineffable. Living in the new culture taught them cross-cultural skills and importance of networking. Their research experience under internationally recognized professors was beyond enumeration.
To encapsulate, the opportunity of doing this Exchange programme, not only helps individuals in inculcating transferable skills for successful career but also develops their overall personality. It refines them into more productive candidate and surges their overall market demand.
– Manpreet Kaur