By Administrator 123erty

Published On: July 27, 2013Categories: Student's Blog0 Comments on LIFE OVER ASHES

For every one cigarette you smoke, you lose 7 minutes of your life. It puts you at risk of cancer of throat, mouth, heart and lungs, none of which is reversible. Smoking damages almost every organ in the body and degrades overall health. With smoking it all comes down to nicotine a highly toxic and addictive substance. The World Health Organization has estimated that around ten million cigarettes are sold each and every minute globally. It is the major cause for around four million deaths each year, which accounts to one in every six people. Cigarette is like a mass destruction weapon harming human health and environment and its only us who can put a halt to this manmade disaster.

“The best way to stop smoking is to just stop – no ifs, ands or butts.”-Edith Zittler

Paragati MBA(ITBM) 2013-2015 @ SCIT







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