Guest Lecture @ SCIT – IT in Banking Domain

By Administrator 123erty

                On Sunday 12th August 2012 morning, there was a very enthusiastic session with Mr. Rajiv Gerela, VP of Deutsche Bank and Mr. Ravi Eppaturi, Chairman – Mumbai Chapter at Computer Society of India on IT in Banking Domain.

They planned a very interesting method to put forward what they want to convey to students. In entire session they had questionnaire among themselves with role of CEO and Consultant acted by Mr. Rajiv and Mr. Ravi respectively. Their main focus was on IT infrastructure and related things. During discussion they touched to the various topics like Virtualization, Cloud computing, BCP, DR and many more and also challenges faced by different industries like critical organization i.e. banking, exchanges and SMEs.

Throughout the session they stressed on 3 S i.e. Stability, Scalability and Security. They also discussed about the challenges they faced for any technology upgrade in banking organization where service availability should be 24 X 7. Lots of comparative analysis was put forward this duo in their own style.

It was a wonderful session – one among the regualr enralling sessions at SCIT .

Tushar Kasale – SCIT MBA( 2012-2014)  Member – Guest Lecture Committee


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