Independence Cup 2016- Day 7 (Great Players with Incredible Spirit)

By Administrator 123erty

The sports arena of SIC campus was filled with great zeal, excitement and gamesome atmosphere on 10th of August 2016 when SCIT students witnessed the seventh day of the Independence Cup. Rotating through the different games, players participated in Volley Ball, Cricket and Football. Trying their best at every match irrespective of victory and failure, players enjoyed each and every match they took part in with lots of cheering and smiling.

The Day 7 of the SCIT Independence Cup started with the first match for the Senior Division D boys against Senior Division B.
The next match scheduled was Boys Volleyball between D Division Senior and A Division Junior. During the starting phase the match was in favour of the A juniors but the senior boys brilliantly gain control over the game. The senior boys with their strategic plan and co-ordination won the match. This match was followed by another Volleyball match between B Division and D Division junior boys. This match drew the highest number of spectators and the hooting went on and on until the winning team was declared. This match involved the most number of twists and turns. The match started with the Division B guys taking the lead, though the Division D guys tried really hard, the first set was claimed by Division B boys. Without losing hope, the Division D boys started well with their serve but later on B boys soon picked up pace and after a close fight, the Division B boys won by 15-13.

The next match was Girls Volley Ball between Junior A+B and Junior C+D. The junior A+B won the match by showcasing their strategies and co-ordination. The serve of the A+B division girls were really incredible. The match point which was amazingly taken by the A+B girls made the crowd cheer and go berserk.

After three back to back volleyball matches the 7th day almost reached the end with last two football matches left to be played. First match was between B division senior and C Division Juniors boys. With complete ball possession, the junior Division C breached the Senior Division B’s defence and scored goals consistently. Dominance continued in both the halves of the match with Junior Div. C defeating Senior Div. B by 2-0.


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