Cricket : Still a Gentleman’s Game ???

By Administrator 123erty

For us cricket is not just a game its a religion. Being hardcore cricket fans we have our expectations and are pretty happy just being enthralled at the beauty of the game. Match-fixing, spot fixing and betting not only tarnished the image of the gentleman’s game but also changed a few treasured lives and left millions of people who love this game equal to their life dejected. What was once known as “gentleman’s game” around the globe is now taking on a new and terrible nickname….. a cheat! People have begun to lose hope in terms of fair gambling. 

Speaking for myself I have always been an admirer of a sport named Cricket. It all began with a cricket trump card I got with a couple of chewing gums. I started following this game at the tiny age of 6 when I was a brewing learner. But when the match-fixing scandals burst on to the scene consuming the pride of men whom we admired the most, leaves us in a state of shock. The men who used to make us so proud with their glorious achievements brought us down to ground zero in a blink of eyes.

Governments must do what is right and keep this game known as “[highlight]gentleman’s game[/highlight]”! As I conclue I want to say that cricket will never forgive these “match-fixers” nor will fans like me who worship the game of cricket.


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